Sampath Bank introduces cycling club, encouraging employees to ride to work

Sampath Bank just introduced ‘Cycle to Work,’ a program promoting an eco-friendly, healthy and economical mode of transportation for all employees. The Cycle to Work initiative was launched with a ceremonial event at Diyatha Uyana on Thursday, June 16. The enthusiastic participation of nearly 100 cyclists signaled an auspicious beginning to this program.

Sampath Bank employees–not just in Colombo, but at all 229 branches islandwide–are being encouraged and incentivized to adopt this alternative mode of transportation and ride to work. Riders who join will receive a complimentary cycling kit and will be provided with special training for safer riding on city streets. Safe parking spaces in security-patrolled areas are being provided, as are facilities for showering and changing. Bank employees who would like to invest in a bicycle can purchase one through a six-month 0% installment plan for those holding a Sampath Mastercard, Visa or American Express credit card. As an added incentive, the Bank has authorized flexible working hours for all cyclists to avoid riding during peak traffic times.

“This is another example of a simple intervention that has the potential to pay huge environmental dividends, and is part of the Bank’s ongoing commitment to reduce its carbon footprint. It’s the first of many such initiatives the Bank has planned,” said Nanda Fernando – Managing Director, Sampath Bank PLC. “The more people who ride bicycles to work, the fewer cars, trucks, buses and three-wheelers there will be to clog traffic. And fewer vehicles mean safer roads for all. We all need to rethink our approach to our daily commute. The Sampath Bank Cycle to Work program grew out of that realization.”

“Our employees might even find themselves getting to work sooner. It’s easier to get from one place to another on a bicycle, and it’s arguably a far better use of your time than sitting helplessly in traffic jams,” pointed out Lalith Weragoda – Group Chief Human Resource Officer, Sampath Bank PLC.

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