Numerology Horoscope 29th April: Know the prediction about your health and love life

New Delhi:

Looking forward to a new day? If you are someone who believes in the power of numerology, then we have renowned Astro-numerologists Karishma Kaushik to predict what’s in store for you today. Today is April 29, 2022

and if

  today’s date is added 2+9+4+2+0+2+2=21= 3 digit will be there. The lord of the number is considered to be Jupiter. The knowledge which is believed to be the factor of marriage, happiness, prosperity and wealth.

Know how the day will be from 1 to 9 radix.

Radix 1

If you were born on 1st,10th,19th,28th of any month then your radix becomes 1.

Career- You will get benefits in the workplace, today you will get respect and progress in the workplace, you will remain in the discussion. The stalled work in business will be completed today.

Money- Money can be profit, but do not invest money anywhere.

Love Relationship – Sweetness will remain in the relationship. Broken relationships will come back.

Health-Today there is a need to take care of health, problems related to eyes and liver may arise.

Lucky color- yellow

Remedy- Donate jaggery.

Radix 2

If you were born on 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month then your radix becomes 2.

Career- There may be dispute in job and business. Be careful with the people around you.

Money- The financial situation can be tight, unnecessary money can be spent.

Love relationship – An old friend can be met, but anger needs to be controlled. You may lose your friends because of getting up today.

Health- Take care of health, there can be a problem of cough and cold.

Lucky color- light pink

Remedy: Worship Mata Lakshmi.

Radix 3

Whether you were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of the month, your radix becomes 3.

Today there can be success in career, there will be profit in business in career, new work is likely to come.

Money-The financial situation will improve and the money stuck will be returned.

Love relationship- 

Love relations, family and marital relations will be cordial. Time will be spent with family.

Health- Health will be good today, you will get rid of old diseases.

Lucky color –  golden

Remedy-Feed bananas to monkeys.

Radix 4

Born on 4,13,22,31 of any of your months, your radix will become 4.

Career- Hard work is required in the workplace. Do not start new work in business today.

Money- There is a possibility of sudden monetary gains. Stuck money can be found suddenly.

Love relationship- There can be sourness in love relations. Control your speech. Otherwise, you will annoy your partner.

Health- Take care of health: Suddenly, there may be disturbances in health.

Lucky color- purple

Remedy- Feed the pigeons with grain.

Radix 5

If you are born on 5th, 23rd or 14th of any month then your radix becomes five.

Career- You will get benefits in the field of work. The interview is likely to go well. There will be profit in business.

Money- There will be benefit in financial condition. Some good news can come regarding money.

Love Relationship- Relationships will be sweet. You can get closer in a relationship. You can go for a walk with your lover.

Health -Health will be good but stay away from getting hurt.

Lucky color- light blue

Remedy- Distribute toffee or sweets to the girls.

Radix 6

If you were born on 6th, 24th or 15th of any month then your Radix number becomes 6.

Career- There will be benefits, bad deeds will happen. There will be progress in business, high position may start.

Money- There will be profit in the financial situation, new avenues will open in the field of money.

 Love relationship-If you were looking for love then today your search will end.

Health- Take care of health There is a possibility of itching, burning, infection in the eyes.

Lucky color- pink

 Remedy- Offer rose flower to Matalakshmi.

Radix 7

If you were born on 7th, 16th or 25th of any month. So your radix becomes 7.

Career- You will feel stress in your career. Avoid enemies in business.

Money- Don’t trust anyone about money, otherwise you can be deceived.

Love relationship-There is a possibility of discord in the family. Don’t make an issue unnecessarily. Disputes may arise.

Health- Be in good shape. Control your eating and drinking, avoid eating outside food.

Lucky color- purple

Remedy: While leaving the house, keep two longs in your mouth and come out.

Radix 8

If you were born on 8th, 17th or 26th of any month then your Radix number becomes 8.

Career- There can be a sudden promotion in the workplace, there will be profit in business.

Money-There will be profit in terms of money. Stuck money will come back.

Love relationship- There will be sweetness in relationships, time will be spent with family friends, evening time will be pleasant.

Health-Health will remain, but there is a need to take care of old diseases, old diseases may come to the fore.

Lucky color-light blue

Remedy: Feed roti to the dog.

Radix 9

If you are born on 9th, 18th or 27th of any month, your radix becomes 9.

Career- You will get success in job. You can get the support of a friend sitting in a high position. There will be profit in business.

Money-Take care of the financial situation, think before doing money transactions.

Love relationship-A new relationship will start, there will be a happy atmosphere with the family.

Health-There is a possibility of headache, mental tension may arise, do not get angry too much.

Lucky color- red

Remedy-Donate red lentils.


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