Life coach Himanshu Gaur is on a mission to create leaders who are driven by excellence

Mr Himanshu Gaur is a leader himself who had uncovered success in his life only after immense hard work. No one from his middle-class family has ever led anybody else. This self-made millionaire is now all set to give back to the community by bringing out the hidden leaders. We had a chat with Mr Himanshu Gaur to find out his plans for the same.

Who do you consider a Leader?

Let me ask you one question! Do you think leaders are born or are they made? It is a misconception that leaders are born that way, and not everyone can achieve such stature in their lifetime. Let me reassure you that no one was born a leader. When Mr 

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam

 (APJ Abdul Kalam) was born on 15 October 1931, did anyone guess that he would become an Indian aerospace scientist and serve well as the 11th president of India from 2002 to 2007? When Mr 

Narendra Damodardas Modi

 was born on 17 September 1950, did anyone predict that he would serve as the 14th and current prime minister of India?

Mr Himanshu Gaur ask you to think again and answer, do you think leaders are born, or are they made? 

There are loads of definitions out there, but a description that suits my thought process says something like this:

 Leaders are simply those who know the way, who goes the way, and who shows the way.

Blown away by the answer we asked Mr Himanshu Gaur, How can anyone become a leader?  

Life Coach Himanshu Gaur shares his tips for those who are striving to become successful leaders.

 Himanshu Gaur says the journey to become a leader is not as smooth as reading this piece of info. Let me elaborate:

You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself in someone’s hand.

 Always, Choose a mentor who can help you do great things.

Sharpening will be painful from time to time, but you will need to bear this pain to transform into a sharper pencil.

 Himanshu Gaur says Pain & problems will only sharpen your leadership skills.

 You will be able to correct any mistake you have committed but listen to the eraser.

 A leader must have the capability to take constructive criticism to correct their mistake.

The most valuable part of you is what is inside of you. 


t’s not about how you look, it’s about how you conduct yourself, the same as the color of a balloon will not decide if it will fly or not. It is what is inside that balloon that will decide the balloon’s flying capability.

You must leave your mark on every surface: you must keep going no matter the condition!

 A leader must have the capability to create impact no matter what the condition is.

Life Coach Himanshu Gaur says “You are the pencil in this if anyone wants to become a leader they must go through the same process as said by a pencil maker to become the best.”

Life Coach Himanshu Gaur concluded one must attain these 10 qualities to evolve as effective leader integrity, honesty, visionary, decision-making skill, problem-solving skills, self-motivated, good human being, self-discipline, passion & accountability.

Himanshu Gaureducates the young generation about the importance of leadership in their life and how this can help them to live a better life & also helps them to implement all these qualities in practice through our live seminars. He also gives personal mentorship to young gen and guides them on how they can become successful leaders through my own 11 years of experience.


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