We may all have goals, but here’s what it takes to be winners

New Delhi: 

Having goals is an integral part of life. Without goals there is no movement forward, neither is there an impetus towards achieving something in life. Interestingly, while we all love dreaming, setting goals and aspiring to be bigger and better, the one thing that separates a winner from a loser is the mindset. 

According to Dr Chandni Tugnait, MD (A.M) Psychotherapist, Life Alchemist, Coach and Healer, Founder and Director, Gateway of Healing, setting a goal is the ‘wishing’ stage that provides direction. However, to achieve victory, one has to move to the ‘action’ stage and that requires systems and processes in place that enable progress. 

“When the mindset is towards growth and not fixed, we get better and lasting results instead of momentary changes. Whether it is an athlete, an entrepreneur, a student or a corporate professional, every person has a goal to achieve. However, it is not the ‘goal’ that guarantees success; it is a ‘system of continuous and consistent small improvements’ that lead to the outcome,” Dr Tugnait said.

She further opines, “A big thing to note here is that simply achieving the goal is not a mark of success; keeping at it, is. Transformation happens at a deeper level. It is all about rewiring the brain.” 

Here are some tips that can make a world of difference and get us on the path of progress and success, according to Dr Chandni Tugnait.

Set Specific Steps for Action

Instead of setting vague goals such as “I will exercise more”, “I will create a lot of money”, etc., set specific actionable tasks such as going for a walk before breakfast daily, going to the gym after work thrice a week, connecting with 3 people every week to explore collaborations, etc.

Set Small Tasks –

Even when being specific, set smaller tasks instead of extremely difficult ones as the brain is wired to save energy & move away from effort and this often leads to procrastination or giving up when the mind feels pressurised with extremely difficult tasks.

Let Go of what doesn’t Serve You –

Identify the time wasters and energy drainers in your life that are keeping you away from progress. These could be habits, people or things such as watching TV for hours, binge-eating, over-sleeping, a toxic relationship, etc. Once identified, replace these with the desirable small tasks that you have set for yourself. Keep at it for at least a week for it to start feeling more natural and comfortable.

Change your Story –

Our neurology is biochemical in nature and hence, when we keep doing and feeling the same thing with intensity at a set time/ situation, it becomes a default path or habit – this is how the brain circuitry works. We feel it all through our senses when we keep thinking of the past failures or worry about the future or even when we keep repeating the story of failure/ disappointment over and over again to our friends and family; all of it solidifies in our reality. Hence, to break this pattern, be aware of the present moment, build a plan, focus, act and change the story.

Develop a System –

Write all your goals, steps and plans in a journal and revisit it daily to add, remove and adjust the plan and to reaffirm the purpose. Apart from planning and consistently executing, find yourself an accountability partner or a coach to work with in order to stay accountable and in the game. Even the most successful people work with their mentors and coaches and do not do it all alone in order to track the progress effectively and to continue on the path of success and learning.


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