Bliss dawned upon Him

Sakyamuni Siddhartha Gautama the Great Master
Relieved the entire humanity from samsaric disaster
The overwhelming fountain of love and compassion
Gifted the world the outcome of his unique mission
Wesak signifies a number of events in the life of the perfect one
Birth, Enlightenment and Passing away all in one
The above world renowned thrice blessed day
Falls every year in the flowery Month of May
Prophesy of the Astrologers working in the father’s mind
Compelled him to keep the son away from the disgust of any kind
Despite all precautions to keep him away
From the truth of death, disease and decay
He embarked on the journey in search of bliss
Which he was determined never ever to miss
Due to the strong bond, they had in a previous life
Regardless of the true love and devotion of a faithful wife
Abandoning all acts leading to mischief and fun
Taking a glimpse of his newborn infant son
With whom he thought there emerged another barrier
To hinder his long-awaited sacred career
His luxury homely life enjoyed very high
Was given up most willingly with no sigh
He left the royal palace in the dead of the night
Because he thought it was perfectly right
Going to early sages for solace was of no avail
Totally isolated Along Neranjana he took a stroll
There under the shade of the Holy Asatu tree
He put an end to his lengthy searching spree
His search for the eternal truth commenced
Because of Jaathi Jara Vyadi, he was fully convinced
He then started his endless meditation
And continued every form of self-mortification
Bosath was utterly reduced to skin and bone
Yet he was fully determined to achieve it alone
Enlightenment, the greatest bliss dawned upon Him
At the height of his struggle for bliss supreme
He saw His own existence as well as those of others
Finding a way to relieve humanity from all the bothers
From eternal truth, nothing could be concealed
The Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path were revealed
Deeply involved in propagating the doctrine of Dhamma
Paved the path to humanity to delve in Kusala Kamma
Developing the superhuman powers of divine vision
Fulfilled the sacred task of his universal Mission

Rupa Banduwardena

from daily news

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