Three-year-old dies after wasp attack

A three-year-old girl died of wasp attack at Solepura, Galgamuwa yesterday morning.

The girl Senoli Imashi was attacked by wasps in her home garden on Monday afternoon. Only the grandmother of the child had been in the house at the time of the accident.

The child was rushed to the Perakumpura Hospital and was transferred to the Thambuththegama Hospital and then to the Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital where she was pronounced dead.

The wasp nest which was on a tree had fallen down with the heavy rain the previous night unnoticed by the elders in the family.

However,the following morning, the inquisitive child had accidently had gone and meddled with the nest thereby disturbing the wasps which attacked her.The grandmother on heraing the child’s screams collected the child and went inside the house. They had crept inside a mosquito net to avoid the wasps who were all over the child’s body. Imashi was the youngest in the family.


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