Farewell Peter

Senior journalist, sportsman, musician, culinary expert and raconteur, Peter Christie passed away last Thursday in London after a brief illness. He was 71.

A colourful, multi-talented figure, there was never a dull moment when Peter was around in the news rooms of the Daily News where he had his last stint as a journalist before migrating to Old Blighty. He could keep an audience regaled by his anecdotes which were invariably of his own making and had his own brand of swearwords which were the stock in trade in Kotahena where he resided most of his life.

As a journalist, Peter was in a class of his own and garnished his copies with a vocabulary which only he was capable of conjuring, especially as parliamentary lobby correspondent, where he brought forth his talent in ample measure.

When Peter was around, the corridors of Lake House always reverberated with his loud mouthed banter, bringing peels of laughter in those at the receiving end of his peculiar brand of humour displayed with little or no finesse.

Peter will be missed by his colleagues in all the newspaper houses he worked for and which he enlivened, as only he was capable of. - Rodney 

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